Daily Bible Readings

Taken from the Daily Lectionary of the Lutheran Hymnal

Load readings for All Saints' Day

22nd Sunday after Trinity Sunday

Chief Hymn: The Lutheran Hymnal #329

Liturgical Color: Green


IF YOU, - || Lord, should mark | in- | i- | qui- | ties, *

O | Lord, | who | could - | stand?

|| But there is for- | give- | ness | with | You, *

That You may be feared, O God | of | Is- | ra- - | el. (Psalm 130:3-4)

|| Out of the depths I have cried | to | You, | O | Lord; *

Lord, | — | hear | my - | voice!

|| Let Your ears | be | at- | ten- | tive *

To the voice of my | sup- | pli- | ca- - | tions.

|| O Israel, | hope | in | the | Lord; *

For with the Lord | there | is | mer- - | cy,

|| With Him is abun- | dant | re- | demp- | tion, *

And He shall redeem Israel from all his | in- | i- | qui- - | ties. (Psalm 130:1–2, 7–8)

GLORIA PATRI (From Hymnal)

|| If You, Lord, should mark | in- | i- | qui- | ties, *

O | Lord, | who | could - | stand?

|| But there is for- | give- | ness | with | You, *

That You may be feared, O God | of | Is- | ra- - | el. (Psalm 130:3-4)

Psalm Readings

Matins: Psalm 119:169-176

Vespers: Psalm 31:9-18


O God, our Refuge and Strength, Who art the Author of all godliness, be ready, we beseech Thee, to hear the devout prayers of Thy Church, and grant that those things which we ask faithfully we may obtain effectually; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

Old Testament Reading (TLH): Deut. 7:8-11

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First Reading: Phil. 1:3-11

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|| Behold, how good and how | plea- | sant | it | is *

For brethren to dwell together | in | un- | i- - | ty!

|| For there the Lord command- | ed | the | bless- | ing *

—Life | for- | ev- | er- - | more. (Psalm 133:1, 3b)


|| Al- | — | le- | lu- | ia! *

Al- | — | le- | lu- - | ia!

|| The Lord heals the | brok- | en- | heart- | ed *

And binds up their wounds. | Al- | le- | lu- - | ia! (Psalm 147:3)

Second Reading: Matt. 18:23-35

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Devotion from the Lutheran Herald

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Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.