Worship Practices

Daily readings taken from The Lutheran Hymnal’s Daily Lectionary. You can use them for personal devotions.

The Daily Lectionary Readings Calendar

Holy Scripture readings for the church year.

The Rite of Private Confession and Absolution for use in the parish, adapted from the Missal of the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America.
Useful Links

The Lutheran Herald, published monthly for the blessing of individual Christians and for the benefit of independent Lutheran congregations, is an official publication of the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America (ELDoNA). Launched in the Fall of 2006 as an occasional newsletter of the diocese, The Lutheran Herald was reformatted in September 2010 to be a monthly communication of diocesan news and Christian devotional material for those within our fellowship as well as to the world.

Dr. Martin Luther wrote the Small Catechism as a tool for parents to teach the six chief parts of Christian doctrine to their children.
Today, Lutherans still use the Small Catechism to teach children and adults the fundamentals of the Christian Faith.