Daily Bible Readings

Taken from the Daily Lectionary of the Lutheran Hymnal

16th Sunday after Trinity Sunday

Chief Hymn: The Lutheran Hymnal #596

Liturgical Color: Green


BE MER- | ciful to me, O | Lord, | - *

For I cry to | You | all | day | long.

|| For You, Lord, are good, and ready to for- | give, | - *

And abundant in mercy to all those who | call | up- | on | You. (Psalm 86:3, 5)

|| Bow down Your ear, O Lord, | hear | me; *

For I am | poor | and | need- | y.

|| In the day of my trouble I will call up- | on | You, *

For You | will | an- | swer | me.

|| I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my | heart, | - *

And I will glorify Your name | for- | ev- | er- | more.

|| For great is Your mercy toward | me, | - *

And You have delivered my soul from the | depths | of | She- | ol. (Psalm 86:1, 7, 12-13)

GLORIA PATRI (From Hymnal)

|| Be merciful to me, O | Lord, | - *

For I cry to | You | all | day | long.

|| For You, Lord, are good, and ready to for- | give, | - *

And abundant in mercy to all those who | call | up- | on | You. (Psalm 86:3, 5)

Psalm Readings

Matins: Psalm 119:121-128

Vespers: Psalm 36


Lord, we pray Thee that Thy grace may always go before and follow after us and make us continually given to all good works; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee and Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

Old Testament Reading (TLH): Deut 32:39-40

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First Reading: Eph. 3:13-21

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|| The nations shall fear the name of the | Lord, | - *

And all the kings of the | earth | Your | glo- | ry.

|| For the Lord shall build up | Zi- | on; *

He shall appear | in | His | glo- | ry. (Psalm 102:15–16)


|| Alle- | lu- | ia! *

Al- | — | le- | lu- | ia!

|| You who fear the Lord, trust in the | Lord; | - *

He is their help and their shield. | Al- | le- | lu- | ia! (Psalm 115:11)

Second Reading: Luke 7:11-17

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Devotion from the Lutheran Herald

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Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.