Daily Bible Readings

Taken from the Daily Lectionary of the Lutheran Hymnal

Load readings for David Henkel, Pastor and Confessor

The Feast of the Holy Trinity

Chief Hymn: The Lutheran Hymnal #247

Liturgical Color: White


BLESS- ED - || be the Holy Trinity and the Undi- | vid- | ed | U-ni- |

ty: *

Let us give glory to Him for He has shown mercy un- | to | us. (Liturgical Text based on Tobit 13:1-2)

|| O | Lord, | our | Lord, | - *

How excellent is Your name in all | the | earth,

|| You have set Your glory a- | bove | the | heav- | ens! *

Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants, You have or- | dained | strength.

|| What is man that You are | mind- | ful | of | him, *

And the son of man that You vi- | sit | him?

|| For You have made him a little lower | than | the | an- | gels, *

And You have crowned him with glory and | hon- | or. (Psalm 8:1-2a, 4–5)

GLORIA PATRI (From Hymnal)

|| Blessed be the Holy Trinity and the Undi- | vid- | ed | U-ni- | ty: *

Let us give glory to Him for He has shown mercy un- | to | us. (Liturgical Text based on Tobit 13:1-2)

Psalm Readings


Almighty and Everlasting God, Who hast given unto us, Thy servants, grace, by the confession of a true faith, to acknowledge the glory of the Eternal Trinity and in the power of the Divine Majesty to worship the Unity, we beseech Thee that Thou wouldst keep us steadfast in this faith and evermore defend us from all adversities; Who livest and reignest, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

Old Testament Reading (TLH): Ezek. 18:30-32

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First Reading: Rom. 11:33-36

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|| Blessed are You, O Lord, who be- | holds | the | deep, | - *

And who dwells between the che- | ru- | bim.

|| Blessed are You, O Lord, in the firma- | ment | of | heav- | en, *

And greatly to be praised for- | ev- | er. (Prayer of Azariah 1:32, 34)


|| Al- | — | le- | lu- | ia! *

Alle- | lu- | ia!

|| Blessèd are You, O Lord God | of | our | fa- | thers, *

And greatly to be praised and glorified forever. Alle- | lu- | ia! (Prayer of Azariah 1:29)

Second Reading: John 3:1-15

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Devotion from the Lutheran Herald

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Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.