Daily Bible Readings

Taken from the Daily Lectionary of the Lutheran Hymnal

Load readings for St. Peter and St. Paul, Apostles

Third Sunday after Trinity Sunday

Chief Hymn: The Lutheran Hymnal #319

Liturgical Color: Green


TURN YOUR- - || self to me, and have | mer- | cy | on | me, *

For I am desolate and af- | flict- | ed.

|| Look on my affliction | and | my | pain, | - *

And forgive all | my | sins. (Psalm 25:16, 18)

|| To You, O Lord, I lift | up | my | soul. | - *

O my God, I trust in You; Let me not be | a- | shamed.

|| For You are the God of | my | sal- | va- | tion; *

On You I wait all | the | day.

|| My eyes are ever | to-ward | the | Lord, | - *

For He shall pluck my feet out of | the | net.

|| Keep my soul, | and | de- | liv-er | me; *

Let me not be ashamed, for I put my trust | in | You. (Psalm 25:1–2a, 5, 15, 20)

GLORIA PATRI (From Hymnal)

|| Turn Yourself to me, and have | mer- | cy | on | me, *

For I am desolate and af- | flict- | ed.

|| Look on my affliction | and | my | pain, | - *

And forgive all | my | sins. (Psalm 25:16, 18)

Psalm Readings

Matins: Psalm 119:17-24

Vespers: Psalm 34


O God, the Protector of all that trust in Thee, without Whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy, increase and multiply upon us Thy mercy that, Thou being our Ruler and Guide, we may so pass through things temporal that we finally lose not the things eternal; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee, and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

Old Testament Reading (TLH): Micah 7:18-20

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First Reading: 1 Peter 5:6-11

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|| Cast your burden | on | the | Lord, | - *

And He shall sus- | tain | you;

|| I will call upon God, and the | Lord | shall | save | me. *

He has redeemed my soul | in | peace. (Psalm 55:22a, 16, 18a)


|| Al- | — | le- | lu- | ia! *

Alle- | lu- | ia!

|| I will love You, O | Lord, | my | strength. | - *

The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer. Alle- | lu- | ia! (Psalm 18:1–2a)

Second Reading: Luke 15:1-10

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Devotion from the Lutheran Herald

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Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.